Achieve Your Goals
Faster By Renting Wendy’s Brain
How to get yourself “a friend in the business”:
If you’re an author or speaker – or hope to become one – this is your chance to finally get some candid, practical, specific advice and direction from industry expert Wendy Keller.
Get the fastest solutions to your challenges.
Leap over obstacles.
Dramatically increase your chances for success.
Set up a call with me. When we talk, you will get my undivided attention and industry-insider answers to your questions – answers that will help you get results faster and easier than you can on your own – guaranteed or your money back.
Absolute Call Value Guarantee:
Halfway through our call, I will ask you if you feel you are getting more than your money’s worth out of the interaction. If you say no, I will refund all your money instantly and the call will end right there. If you say “Yes!” and we will continue to come up with great plans, ideas and systems to help you achieve your ultimate desires as an author and/or speaker.
“I was in search of answers regarding the best way to proceed with my book and decided to “Rent Wendy’s Brain” (I love the concept). The information, resources and personal guidance I received during the call priceless for me! Wendy’s experience and knowledge are one of a kind and have helped me immensely! Thank you for all the help and support, I will definitely use your service again!”
Galit Goldfarb
“I wish I’d met you five years before I started this! I would have saved myself so much wasted time. I thought I understood what publishers are looking for. That was an incredibly valuable hour, Wendy. Thank you – and wow!”
Bruce L.
What kinds of people benefit from “renting” my brain?
- Writers who can’t seem to get an agent (yet) or a publisher
- Authors who want book marketing advice – fast
- Speakers who aren’t getting enough bookings or high enough fees
- Business owners who need an effective, customized platform plan to boost sales quickly
- Beginning speakers who have questions about topic selection, speech development or speaker marketing
- Published or self-published authors who need to quickly boost sales and/or get media attention fast
- Innovators who want to run their “great idea” past an industry insider to see if it’s worth developing into a book or speech
- Anyone who wants personalized, in-depth help building their brand, polishing their platform and strategically increasing their visibility
- Enterprising individuals who want to build a business, create a revenue spike, author a book, or get paid speaking and consulting engagements
- Thought leaders who are considering becoming authors or speakers and want to understand the whole strategy before they leap into action
YES! You can figure out all of this on your own, it will just take you longer. You can probably figure out how to fill your own cavities too, but most people prefer to get help from an dentist. Hint: Go with a pro!
Most Common Questions:
“Why isn’t it enough that I wrote a good book?”
It should be, shouldn’t it? I agree! If life were fair, and it was the late 1920s and your last name was Hemingway, just writing a good book would be good enough…but it isn’t now.
The publishing industry has changed a lot just in your lifetime. (Think “Amazon” and more!) There are new rules. How you wish it would work, or how some misinformed person told you it works, is likely is outdated or plain wrong – or at worst, intentionally dishonest. A lot of self-publishing scam companies will tell you “Oh! Your work is genius! It will sell like crazy once you write us a check!” Want to take a lucky guess about why they’re lying to you?
There is a right way to become hugely successful. When we talk, I will help you see the path and take it. That’s how you will get from where you are to where you want to be.
“Why am I not getting the sales I want?”
There’s so much marketing dumped on all of us every day, chances are that not enough people know about your great business, your book, your products, services, coaching, workshops, consulting or speaking. Let’s fix that – together! I will help you find the best, customized ways to directly reach your exact customers in ways that make them feel welcome, safe and invited – not “sold to”. Many people struggle needlessly because they just don’t know how to succeed at selling information. Many give up their dreams because they don’t know that a few simple tweaks could make all the difference in your success.
All you need is a clever, customized, proven strategy to achieve your goals
Let’s give you a bigger perspective on your book, your business or your speaking. I’m a person who makes a living handing out checks to authors – not taking money from them! I can help you figure out how to do the right things in the right order so you create the right results for you.
I specialize in helping people like you to grow your platform so you can sell more books, speeches, products or services.
1. Decide if Wendy’s knowledge is the right fit for your goals.
Read her websites and testimonials; Google Wendy; Read all the glowing acknowledgements in hundreds of clients’ books. Talk to any random dozen successful authors or speakers – you’re almost certain to find several who know Wendy and Keller Media’s work – and probably a few of our clients. When you are confident Wendy is the right advisor for you…
2. Know that she has a reputation as a straight shooter.
Wendy calls ‘em like she sees ‘em. She cares deeply about your success, so she considers it an obligation to be clear and precise in what she advises. If the book idea is weak, she’s going to tell you how to fix it; if the marketing concept won’t get the results you say you want, she’ll help you shred it and create one that will. If you can’t get anyone to book your speeches or attend your workshops, get ready to change all that for the better. Wendy is honest, clear and luckily, she’s usually right.
3. This is ALL about YOU.
Renting Wendy’s brain for an hour together is all about you, your book, your speech, your media…your goals. People who apply what she advises might become clients, although of course that depends on your progress. Wendy’s sincere goal is giving back to authors and speakers who have a dream, but who have no other expert to turn to for honest, compassionate, clear-eyed help.
When you consult with Wendy, you get access to insider viewpoint, focused on your problems and solutions, helping you solve your issues, and giving you the best, most cutting edge advice. Since you don’t yet know what you don’t know…Now is the best time for you to sign up to change the destiny of your book or speaking career.
Most agents take on fewer than 1% of all titles offered to them! Keller Media gets more than a thousand queries annually! Worse: editors at publishing houses only acquire about 20 titles a year out of the hundred or so they are offered. They ca only consider authors who have a “platform” (growing fan base) and whose work is screened and presented by a known, reputable agency like us. What is it about your Query, your Proposal or your Book Idea that is preventing you from getting the results you crave? Find out now! How can you make it BETTER so it DOES sell?
It’s tragic, but the <b>average self-published book sells only about 117 copies!</b> An author who has a small or non-existent fan base(and doesn’t know how to build one efficiently!) will find out quickly that their book –however brilliant – gets buried in the tsunami of titles. The public just can’t sift through the millions of books in print to find the gems. There are ways around this dilemma – no matter when your book was self-published. Wendy can help you create a strategy whether you plan to self-publish or want to rescue a book that is drowning.
In the “Old Days” of publishing, an author had about 90 days to make a book successful before the big stores started returning it to the publisher’s warehouse. Now, if you don’t come out of the gate with a strong publicity campaign that incorporates cutting-edge promotion, masterful use of publicity, and a well-honed, properly designed, well-executed strategy, your book’s chances of success will plummet after just a few WEEKS! Tragic but true! Luckily, there are ways to prepare for success and give your book the chance to create the success you deserve and deeply desire from it.