Foreign Rights – Translation Rights


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Want us to consider your book for international representation?

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is your book nonfiction? We only handle nonfiction books.
  2. Is it self-published? If so, has it sold a verifiable 2,500 or more copies since publication?
  3. Do you have a digital copy of the entire, complete version of the manuscript?


How this works:

Keller Media will review your book, your social media profiles (if any), and your book’s sales numbers.

We will invite you submit the digital version of the book (.PDF or .DOCX) for our review.

If we agree that your book has foreign translation potential, you will be offered these terms:

  • We will offer you a limited representation agreement.
  • We will place your book cover and Amazon description in our catalog. You will deposit $500 against your future earnings. That is, we will waive our first $500 worth of commissions for all the rights we sell for you anywhere in the world until you have recouped your $500.  For example, if we sell your book in one or more countries for the equivalent of $10,000 USD, then our (industry standard) 20% commission would have been $2,000 USD, $8,000 paid to you.  But in this case, we will count your $500 as a deposit, so we will send you instead $8,500 for those rights placed.
  • We will promote your book to likely publishers and agents around the world for one year. That will include Frankfurt Buchmesse and the London Book Fair.
  • You will get quarterly reports listing which countries are considering your book for translation
  • You will also get immediate alerts every time an offer is made to acquire your translation rights.
  • We will negotiate the best terms possible in every case and provide you with our best advice.
  • No contract is EVER valid without your signature.
  • You will get ongoing royalty statements and checks/ACH deposits for the duration of your book’s licensing term in that country (usually 5 or 7 years).


Sounds like a good idea?

Step One is to just send an email to this address, telling us about your book. We’ll take it from there, usually within 2 business days.