Book Proposal Workshop

The Fastest, Easiest Way to Get Your Book Idea Ready to Sell to Publishers

Get your NONFICTION BOOK PROPOSAL finished and fabulous in just 8 weeks – with encouragement, insight & expert editorial direction…and a dash of fun.”

“A nonfiction book proposal is to publishers what a business plan is to venture capitalists – you’re asking a complete stranger to invest their money in your dream”

The only way to convince a publisher to invest in publishing your book is by presenting them with a well-written book proposal – one that shows off your idea in its best light, highlights what you might be able to do to help sell copies, and why you are the best person to write on this topic. This workshop will tell you how to do that, give you the editorial support you need to do it right, and give you the Whys. 


When you understand what literary agents and publishers are thinking when they read your proposal, you will have that priceless “insider advantage”

Here’s what you will discover:
  • The best way to pitch your book

  • How to know if your idea will sell – in advance

  • Why the first page of your proposal is critical – and how to write it

  • Secrets of proposals that sell well

  • Inner workings of publishers – and the best way to game the system in your favor

  • How to fluff up your credentials and your marketing abilities – ethically and honestly

  • Full developmental editor support

  • Clear, competent professional guidance from industry insiders

  • Lots of patience, encouragement and kindness

Next course starts soon! We have a limited number of editors, so we can only accept a limited number of future authors.

featured course


  • Get the prestige and exposure that only a traditional publisher can provide
  • Put cash in your pocket on Day One – don’t pay to self-publish
  • Access to distribution and promotional opportunities that just don’t exist for self-published books
  • Expert editorial guidance to help you craft the best book possible
  • An entire publishing company full of people dedicated to your success


Make this your year to Finally Sell Your Book to a Publisher

Just $795 – Includes expert guidance from a top literary agent and full editorial support from a well-qualified team


Get Ready to Present
Your Book to Agents
and Publishers

There’s no other simple, proven online course that will give you clear guidelines PLUS extensive, personalized editorial feedback for such a low investment.

how it works

  • You will be carefully guided through what to do and how to do it right, but even more importantly, literary agent Wendy Keller will explain the whys. Gain insight into the inner workings of the publishing industry and how editors really  think about the books they are offered.  (Hint: it will surprise you!) The class is given as in six (6) live, interactive Zoom questions over eight (8) weeks. You will finish your proposal in eight weeks!
  • You can join us live and ask questions in real time and/or you can watch the replay any time.
  • Each live class will give you a new writing assignment and a deadline
  • You can watch the replay and download supplements to help you perfectly craft each section of your book proposal.
  • Simply upload your completed assignment in the portal so that one of our industry-experienced editors can edit it and send it back to you promptly.
  • Ask questions any time! We will give you the support, guidance and direction you need to create your very best book proposal in just eight dedicated weeks.


This has been the best information I have found since I started this journey. So far, I have spent about 8K of my own money trying to get my book concept off the ground — meeting a lot of people that tell me they “know how ….” but Wendy is the first, honest, forthright, ‘consultant’ that has the knowledge and capability to really provide direction and feedback on what I want to accomplish. Can’t say enough good things!
One of the best workshops I have attended in my lifetime. Wendy Keller is a master of her craft and sparkles with clarity of thought, an infectious enthusiasm, and honesty that enabled me to get a lot more out of the workshop than I had signed up for. Highly recommend this workshop if you are serious about making it big in the world of nonfiction book writing.
Not only has this workshop taught me the proper way to write a book proposal, it has helped me to dig deep. With the feedback from the editors on each section of the proposal I have written, and all the great information and instructions Wendy provides, I’ve been forced to really think about what I want the heart of this book to be. This is such a great service for new authors trying to get published the right way. Highly recommend!
The course content provided by Wendy Keller was extremely informative and valuable for my future publishing plans. The feedback from actual editors gave true insight into where my content rated currently in the world of publishing. I truly feel that I now know where I need to build and grow in order to write a successful book proposal.


1. Your enrollment in this course does not imply that Keller Media will represent you or this book. Please be clear about that…even though finding new talent is the main reason Wendy teaches this course.

2. We will not change your idea. We will give feedback in the form of “developmental editing”. That means we will tell you the thoughts and questions that are likely to occur to any experienced publishing professional when they are reading your material, and invite you to consider making changes. We are not here to tell you if your core concept is “good” or “bad”, only to help you bring it to light in the best possible way.


Writing any book requires a thorough outline, a solid analysis of how your book will be better than the competition, and a plan for promoting your book once it is published. Those three elements already represent 3/5ths of a book proposal. Why not turn those elements into a great proposal? Then you can let your literary agent shop it for you while you write the manuscript. That will give you the choice of all possible options.


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Marina del Rey, CA 90292 USA

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